Cristening Ceremony COS Mariner

Under beautiful weather conditions, the christening ceremony of the third Monomaran crew tender “COS Mariner” took place this afternoon at Next Generation Shipyard in Lauwersoog. The “COS Mariner” thus strengthens the fleet of Coastwise Offshore Services in addition to the sister ships “COS Master” and “COS Mate. Coastwise offshore services would like to thank the […]
Christening Ceremony COS Mate

During last weekend on Saturday 24-09-2022 the christening ceremony of the 2nd Crewtender for Coastwise Offshore Services B.V. took place at Next Generation Shipyards at Lauwersoog. The ship will sail under the name COS Mate and is a full sister of the COS Master which came into operational service in December 2021. Both ships are […]
ISO Certification

We are proud to announce that Coastwise Offshore services B.V. has passed its ISO 9001-14001-45001 audit and has been awarded with the ISO 9001:2015 quality management – ISO 14001: 2015 environmental management and ISO 45001:2018 Health and safety management certificates.
Construction started COS Mariner.

Next Generation shipyard started with the building of the 3th Monomaran for Coastwise Offshore Services. The vessel will be built under the name “COS Mariner” and is a full sister vessel of the COS Master en COS Mate. The vessel will be delivered to Coastwise by the end off Q4-2022 and sail under the name […]
First assignment COS Master

On Saturday, 26 Februari 2022, the Cos Master departed from the port of Lauwersoog for her first assignment to Heligoland. She will be working there until November of this year with supporting O&M activities in offshore wind.
Coastwise Offshore Services and Next Generation Shipyards commit to third 30 Industrial Personnel Monomaran Crewtender

Shortly before the festive christening of the COS Master, in service since December 10th, Coastwise Offshore Services and Next Generation Shipyards finalized a newbuilding order for a third 30 Industrial Personnel (IP) Monomaran Crewtender. The energy-efficient vessel of the Endurance class NG2727, will be delivered at the end of 2022 and then sail as COS […]
Christening Ceremony COS Master.

On friday 10th of december 2021 we welcomed our first “Monomaran” crewtender ” COS Master” to our fleet. The vessel was christened by mrs. Titia Siertsema, chairwoman of the board”Fonds Nieuwe Doen”. The “COS Master” will meet the increasing demand in the offshore wind i dustry. With its optimized hull it combines the unique advantages […]
Sea Trials Cos Master

Last week various sea trials were held with the m.v. COS Master on the Dutch Waddenzee. The COS Master is the first of 2 innovative Monomaran Crewtenders, of the Endurance 2727 design, that Coastwise Offshore Services B.V. has ordered at the Next Generation Shipyards, The Netherlands. During these sea trials, the engines and all other systems […]
Construction 2nd Monomaran started.

Last week Next Generation shipyard started with the building of the 2nd Monomaran for Coastwise Offshore Services. The vessel will be built under the name “COS Mate” and is a full sister vessel of the Next Generation Shipyards Endurance class type NG 2727. The contract involves a special new type of vessel which combines the […]
Hull COS Master flipped-over

In the evening and night of wednesday the 7th of april 2021 the hull of the first Monomaran crew tender for Coastwise Offshore Services, the COS Master, was brought out of the hall at Next Generation Shipyard. Here the ship was flipped over with the yard’s own crane. After turning around, the ship has been […]